So what do I think about all this? The chemotherapy and radiation therapy helps to kill my cancer but since the treatment is so strong, it affects my body in other ways. The first thing …
I love to play at my Grandma’s house. She is great because she distracts me, has fun with me, and she is very loving and keeps playing video games with me even though she always …
Cancer is when cells in your body don’t grow normally. Cancer cells grow fast, are not contained by any parts of your body, share food with other cells in your body and they don’t listen …
I play with my cousins, Katie, Ashley, Jimmy and Jake when they come over. They distract me when I am not feeling good. Katie’s class made me a fun poster with lots of neat get …
My auntie “Ang” (Angela) had a hip problem one year when we were in Hawaii and she also had a sore tooth so since I have cancer, we have something in common. My uncle Jeff …
I love my uncle Alex because he takes me to basketball games and baseball games, and he makes me laugh and he makes me forget about my cancer. I love my aunt Cathy because she …
I love my mom (Tammy), my dad (Mike), and my brother (Joey) more than anything else in the world. I always want my mom, dad and Joey by my side. My mom always tells me …
“Faith is a real power if you believe strong enough. Faith lets you be positive about your treatment and those that care for you.” When I first learned that I had cancer I was in …
My name is Nicolas Mendez and I have cancer. This web site is for my family, for my friends, and for me and for all those that want to know about my life and what …
Nick’s mom noticed that his artificial eye was protruding slightly and a subsequent MRI revealed the mass. The tumor was on his left side, close to the base of his brain and not operable. Rhabdomyosarcoma …