I think our family keeps very busy doing all kinds of things: family events, school, sports, friends, hobbies, vacations, etc. As a result, sometimes we put off doing things for a time when “life is easier” and not as hectic.
Real Life Cancer Story
When Nick was diagnosed with retinoblastoma in 1996, the time period from discovery of the tumor that engulfed his left eye, to removal of his eye was 5 days. When Nick was diagnosed with rhabdomyosarcoma, the first thing we did was take Nick, Nick’s brother Joey, Nick’s cousin Ryan and Nick’s best friend Joe to Disneyland for 4 days. We had a great time on our trip but the feeling I had was that we were running out of time. No one likes to think about or dwell on death but this was a time when I thought we might lose our son forever. “Look into the hourglass and hold on to one of the grains of sand and treat it like it was the last one. Take a small moment to do something that you have put off for a long time. Time is precious. Make the time for what is important to you in your life.”